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Business Intelligence

Data Analytics with the Data Management Platform constructed to enable Operational Improvement & Smart Marketing

Business Intelligence Center

The business intelligence center is a digital application system independently developed by WeCar Technology and customized for the energy retail industry. It has ETL modules, data modeling and analysis modules, and data visualization tools suitable for the industry. It has powerful capabilities of data analysis, data integration, and data visualization.

Fuel Product Analysis

Display the sales volume of fuel products and customer unit price of the oil station, and give the trend analysis chart and corresponding data.

​Sale of Fuel
Unit Price of Order
Non-Fuel Product Analysis

Display the sales volume of Non-fuel products and customer unit price of the oil station. Letting the Gas Station know the business of Non-fuel products and what is the most popular product.

​Sale of Non-Fuel
Unit Price of Order
SKU Rank
Fuel to Non-fuel conversion
Promotion Analysis

A powerful tool for analyzing promotion data, promotion cost and efficiency. It enables businesses to gain insights into their promotional activities and get a better understanding of how effective their efforts are. With Promotion Analysis, businesses can optimize their promotional strategies and better understand the dynamics of their audiences.

Promotion Analysis
Invite Analytics
​Customer Analysis

Customer analysis service helps you understand the proportion and trend of orders of different members, as well as their retention rate. Retention analysis reflects whether a certain type of customers continued to consume in the last cycle this week, and allows you to better understand the behavior type transformation of customers.

Analysis of ​Member Consumption
Analysis of Member Retention
Analysis of Member Contribution
Analysis of Member Behavior

Full Station Dashboard

Based on big data + IoT technology + AI technology, the operation data in the station, gas station equipment such as liquid level gauges, and abnormal data analyzed by camera AI are collected.


  • Comprehensive awareness of gas station status;

  • Gas station operating data real-time monitoring: Gas station liters, refueling amount, number of refueling transactions, Real-time upload and real-time monitoring of oil station operating data such as the sales amount and proportion of each oil product and non-oil product sales data;

Mobile Operation Assistant

Adopt the design of core data dashboard, digital management cockpit, mobile terminal management, etc., complete and rich data indicators, data charts, statistical analysis, pre-warning analysis, implementation of monitoring data and other management content, providing powerful support for managers with daily operation management and decision analysis.

Fuel Sales Dashboard
 Payment Dashboard
Member Dashboard
Inventory Dashboard
Person Wearing Headset

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